let's talk


0431 622 677




21 Aylesford Street
Annerley QLD 4103


Business development

Rainmaking is the art of generating business, facilitating opportunities and bringing in revenue through face-to-face personal selling or business development (BD) activity supported by strong, targeted corporate advertising and promotion campaigns.


Great rainmakers are rare creatures. They're usually in high demand and command premium salaries. Large companies can afford to employ rainmakers and create BD roles to specifically take on this responsibility for the firm. They gain a significant edge over smaller competitors and have access to the best talent.


Short Sharp & Shiny enables small to medium businesses and not-for-profit firms access to excellent but affordable rainmaking, BD and sales talent on an as-needed, project-by-project basis to achieve specific targets and help grow an organisation's revenue incrementally while avoiding additional cash flow pressures.


We offer strong in-house BD and sales experience with a range of sales and business development strategies.


Let’s talk

Advertising & Promotion

We have extensive experience in end-to-end campaign management.


Success to us is when our clients are delivering the right product and/or service, to the right people, in the right place, at the right time and for the right price. This sounds a lot easier than it is in practice, but we try to keep it simple by sticking with the tried and true AIDA model. Our campaigns create consumer AWARENESS, generate their INTEREST, ignite their DESIRE and call them to ACTION.


Our knowledge of consumer behaviour and business life cycles is a key factor in our successful work with clients. Our thorough understanding of the marketing mix and knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of various communications channels to achieve desired outcomes means that our work is never hit and miss.


Our creatives write great advertising copy for radio, print, television, video, outdoor media, and our graphic and digital artists produce stunning, high impact materials that command attention and get results.

Business Development & Sales

Short Sharp & Shiny provide a range of contract selling and Business Development (BD) services including telemarketing, membership drives, fundraising campaigns, direct mail, and email marketing, and face-to-face selling.


This is a great service for organisations that cannot afford to appoint permanent Sales and BD staff but need to generate leads and revenue. It's also a terrific solution for organisations in professions where such skills are not commonly found. Short Sharp & Shiny have had great success working with and coaching scientists, accountants, academics, farmers, government organisations, not-for-profit, business, industry and community groups.

Conferencing & Events

Short Sharp & Shiny has an impressive resume and in-house capability in conferencing and events including delivery on the international stage and with government programs. We are those ducks swimming on water types that make even the most complex functions look easy.


Our services in conference and event marketing ensure our clients get bums on seats, attract great like-minded sponsors, and drum up plenty of publicity. We can help with conference programs and running sheets, venues and catering, travel and accommodation, event management, speakers, sponsorship packages, delegate registrations, conference websites, creative services, contracts management, media liaison, advertising, promotion and PR.


Whether it’s a small, intimate product launch or a major international conference, we can help make it a success.


Retail & E-Commerce

There are plenty of agencies out there who do big retail, big data and complex research. While we could do that, we prefer not to. We’re more about working with small- to medium-sized businesses, makers and creators who love what they do and offer something unique.


We know how to help our clients find, connect better with and understand their people, whether they’re at home in front of the TV, flicking through a magazine, wandering around a festival or art and craft market, or shopping in virtual stores like Etsy, Gumtree, Shopify and eBay.


Short Sharp & Shiny can help with product development, marketing strategy, websites with e-commerce capability, staffing, store layout and design, sales training, consumer and market research and access to government funding.